Here are some frequently asked questions to further explain the idea of Precious Plastic Missoula.


Q: Do you accept accept plastic drop-off or delivery?

A: No, not currently because of an already existing excess. The demand is too much for limited production capabilities. Hopefully soon!


Q:  What is your current process like?

A: Heat type 2 plastic in a toaster oven rack, quickly put melted plastic in a wood mold, and press it with a hydraulic press.


Q: How can I help without donating money?

A:  Spread the word! Share Precious Plastic Missoula with your friends, on your social media, and with that person complaining about plastic pollution! If you still want to help even more then reach out!


Q: What types of plastics do you work with?

A: For now, we work primarily with types 2,4,5. We hope to accept all types once the machines are built.


Q: Why?

A: Because it is important and the right thing to do.

Don't see your question? Ask away!